From: Jason Neyers <>
Date: 12/07/2011 11:15:36 UTC
Subject: ODG: Call for papers 11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference

On behalf of  Tang Hang Wu:

11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference – 'Teaching and Researching Property Law in the Twenty First Century'

The 11th Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference will be held at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore on 12-13 July 2012. The theme of the conference is “Teaching and Researching Property Law in the Twenty First Century”. The theme is intended to encompass new approaches and challenges in the teaching and researching of property law. Research topics may include those dealing specifically with the way Property Law is developing to meet the challenges of the twenty first century including issues relating to: the management of resources; the environment and climate change; new technologies and human rights. However, as in previous conferences, the theme of the conference is intended to be interpreted broadly and abstracts of papers on any Property Law topic are welcome. As this conference is taking place in Asia, Asian scholars working in the field of property law are encouraged to submit proposals. Abstracts of papers will be selected on the basis of quality and originality of ideas.

Presenters whose offers of papers are accepted will be expected to meet their own travel and accommodation costs and to pay their registration fees. Unfortunately, the conference organizers do not have any funding to help meet travel and accommodation costs or grant a waiver of the registration fees.

If you would like to offer a paper, please submit a working title and an abstract (of no more than 350 words) by email to Tang Hang Wu at<> before 1 February 2012. Please feel free to forward this email.

Tang Hang Wu

Conference Convenor

Jason Neyers
Associate Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
University of Western Ontario
N6A 3K7
(519) 661-2111 x. 88435